If you have a lot of items to enter on the app, you can batch import these items.
Here’s what you need to do :
- Export CSV Data
- This gives you a template that you can edit
- Follow these steps to do the export: http://support.mobilebizco.com/importing-exporting-data/export-csv-data.html
- Locate your csv file
- Sdcard – On your device, go to the folder
- On Android 10 and above: sdcard/Android/data/com.mobilebizco.android.mobilebiz/files/mobilebiz-co/shared/csv
- On Android 9 and below: sdcard/mobilebiz-co/shared/csv
- Dropbox – Login to your dropbox account and go to /mobilebiz-co/shared/csv folder.
- Sdcard – On your device, go to the folder
- Open your csv file using a textedit (ex. notepad)

– Click on “File” > “Download as” > “Plain text”. This will create and download the file. (ex. item_list.tsv)

Click here to see the specific steps to import back to MobileBiz Co