You may add your own company logo to PDF printouts.
First off, prepare your company logo if you don’t have one yet.
- JPG photo will do
- save it with a file name without any spaces (for example, rename “my photo.jpg” to “myphoto.jpg)
- put this photo on your Android device sdcard
Then proceed to use this logo on the app.
1) Go to Home > Menu >App Settings > Company Logo.
2) Tap on “Click to add logo”, then choose the the location of the image or you can take a picture.
3) Enter the pixel width and height of the image for PDF output and HTML printout.
* It is advisable to use a smaller image, because the size affects the generation of pdf.
* The suggested pixel size is around 350 W x 200 H
* The suggested pixel size is around 350 W x 200 H